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Right on time

Change. I’ve always hated it. I’ve written about hating it. Yet I seem to chase it. Or maybe it chases me. While I crave consistency, I also dream of all the new exciting opportunities that call my name from just across state lines.

The past 2 months have been a whirlwind. I’ve been to Virginia multiple times, home to Cincinnati, to St. Louis twice, and to Kansas City to celebrate the marriage of two people I love a lot. Summer camp has begun, goodbyes broke my heart, and I made a really big life decision.

The change isn’t going to stop anytime soon, but I’ll get to stay in the same place for a little while now and I’m really grateful for that.

But that’s not what this is about.

All the travel and all the change have brought to light something much bigger and much stronger than all the change.

I love musicals, and like most people, the Hamilton soundtrack is a must. My favorite song is the last one, “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story.”

There’s a lot there thematically, but the line that tugs my heart strings most is when Eliza sings about her sister, “when I needed her most, she was right on time.” Now, I don’t have a sister, but wow, have I felt that in the past month and a half.

So this is a celebration, of the people who were right on time when I needed them most, and generally, that the Creator of the Universe loves me so well via the people that so wonderfully dance in my world.

So thank you- for the tea, hugs and good coffee. The dance parties and the late nights. For listening to the unending back and forth or where I should and shouldn’t go. The ceaseless reminders of things that are true.

For the guest rooms, air mattresses, celebratory ice creams, playlists and pep talks, thank you.

The extra kind flight attendants, Uber drivers, guest groups and other strangers I've met in this season of my life, you've made my days brighter.

The people that interviewed me, connected me, advocated for me- thank you for being on my team.

Shout out to the adventure staff that showed up a week ago and has already brought me radical amounts of joy. You've reminded me how to be brave.

Being in the midst of the beautiful chaos that is helping to run a summer camp, is a humbling honor and a privilege. Being amongst people, hills, flowers and adventures that declare the gospel so well has thought me about how to better live into the most important and most true thing.

Love is bigger than change. So, thank you to every ray of sunshine that has been a part of my life in this season of transition. I pray I can be someone who shows up for you, too. I hope we can all continue to do that for each other.

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